There are many reasons to make the move to Australia and take up one of the GP vacancies that exist. Australia is an incredibly huge country with a vast array of lifestyles to suit all tastes. However the range of positions a GP can fulfil is likewise impressive, meaning you can find a GP job compatible with your requirements easily.
If your preference is for a quiet family practice then rest assured that Australia offers its fair share of tranquil suburban areas, full of families and older couples.
Ideal for GPs looking for contact with children and families, and the challenges elderly patients (with their complexities and co-morbidities) bring. Maybe more predictable than some of the larger medical centres or practices closer to the big cities, a family practice is perfect for the GP who wants quiet, conventional patients and the safety that entails.
Perhaps you favour a larger, frantic-paced medical centre that deals with a wider range of conditions, illnesses and people. Medical centres can be a microcosm of the hustle-bustle found in the capital cities – Sydney and Melbourne are major travel destinations for business people both internationally and interstate. Here you’ll find conditions you might not see in the smaller family practices, as visitors carry surprises to your consulting rooms.
You might be looking for a complete change of pace – and scenery. One thing Australia has plenty of is scenery, and found in the heart of the country is a wide expanse of almost-nothingness called The Outback. It’s miles of desert, scrub, forest and charming characters that will test your medical knowledge each and every day. Far removed from the large medical facilities found in the cities, country doctors must think on their feet and improvise, relying on the networks that fan out to other outback hospitals and practices. But don’t think it’s all bush and no technology. GPs in the outback must by necessity be familiar with some of the latest technology as it is sometimes the only link to colleagues and second opinions.
Should you require a part time position to help balance a busy social or travel calendar, then you’re best speaking with a business specialising in the area of assisting general practitioners relocating to Australia for medical vacancies. They will be able to source GP jobs, both part time or full time, depending on your personal and professional tastes and needs. However it won’t stop there, with full assistance to help you navigate the red tape involved in your move. Don’t leave it too late; speak with us today about your new GP job in Australia.